The Seahorse Bar

A little place where everybody knows your name...

Monday, August 22, 2005

this week's thrill

this week's thrill is new mascara. as many of you know i am not fortunate enough to own eyelashes. yes, it's very sad. so i struggle to find a good (enough) mascara to mask my incredibly beady eyes (thank you to those who are rolling your eyes at me). recently my eyes have been quite irritated so i thought, perhaps, it was time to induldge in new mascara. but not just new mascara...a new BRAND of mascara. a completely new frontier. upon my adventure yesterday my good friend, dez, suggested her favorite and i gave it a shot. what could it hurt, eh? lo and behold!...i love it! it's absolutely amazing! and this advice is coming from the girl who has the fabulous-never-needs-mascara-cuz-her-eyes-are-already-fabulous eyelashes. but, she is a genius. and i am in love. not only does it not clot, not drip, not cake, but it extends (really extends) and separates. and it's waterproof (which i need cuz i do a lot of crying due to recent events). it's glorious and it's my thrill of the week.

Good times...

new shoes.
new mascara. beautiful mascara.
fitting into old jeans again.
new way of fixing boring hair.
sick cat gets plumper.
sleeping in.
planning trips away.
not killing my plants.
the possibility of eliminating migraines.
orange juice.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

the new shoes thrill only lasts so long

I woke up at 6:45. the windows were open so the sun was pouring in. The birds were chirping and the cat was staring at me with one evil eye from the window sill. I got up excited if only for the thought of wearing my new shoes today. Everyone needs SOME reason to get out of bed. I actually had time after getting ready to quarantine the sick cat in my room with new food and water & lotion my legs (as oppose to waiting until I get to work). I left the house at 7:45 (pretty good eh?) which gives me plenty of time to stop and get OJ at my favorite coffee shop (I’m attempting to substitute OJ for coffee…I’ll let you know how it goes). I chatted with the lady for a bit over the new design of the shop and still got to work EARLY, although I did try to avoid that.

After listening to 23 voice messages and sifting through my unread email (all 10 of them and none of which were pertinent to me) I notice that it has reached 9 am (I was sure it had to be closer to 11). And now I’m ready to go home. But, I musn’t succumb to my wants as I shall only be lonely and depressed in my cell of an apartment.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Skinny on Weight Loss - part 2

(my version of the Jenny Craig diet plan)

happy points: no snacking, less caffeine, no dinner, no eating after 9 = 4 points
bad points: some caffeine, no dinner, less sleep = 3 points

TOTAL = 1 point

not a good start. must try harder to gain more points. more points will allow for fun bribes.

mental note: must prepare bribe

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My Links: an explanation

If you ever noticed the links listed on the sidebar (move your eyes to the right about 3 inches) you might be wondering what they are all about. Well, let me explain (or 'splain as Ricky would say on I Love Lucy).

43 Things is a web site where you can post your "wish list" of things do accomplish in your lifetime. You can check out what other people wish to do and/or if they thought it was worth doing. It's quite entertaining especially when you run across some silly list and all they want to do is create secret underground lairs and well, you get the picture... my screenname is lilturtle (after my cat, Turtle). So browse if you have the time...
Bryant is a friend of mine who is doing is master's in biology within the dept that i work. I believe that he is an evil genius of sorts and has his own blog that is deeply entertaining.
Sudoku is a game you can play online. Bryant got me hooked! So, if you ever feel bored or want to put your brain cells to work check it out.

Pet Peeves 12-16

16) when people answer the phone with: "what do you want?"

15) ugly feet or unmanicured nails (especially when you see people on TV with gross looking nails and feet! didn't they get the memo that they'd be on TV? i'd get that fixed prior to making my stage debut)

14) migraines (seriously annoyed!)

13) pushy sales people

12) When you are in a public restroom and the toilet paper dispenser does not move when you pull the toilet paper. Every time you try to pull you get 1/2 a square! So, you push it under and over and around until you get 2 squares...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Grand Canyon

This was a trip last Sept ('04) but I just ran across them so I thought I'd post them.

My bro-in-law, Jesse and his daugher, Sophia.

My sis, Bobbie, and Sophia.

Erik and Jackson (Bobbie's dog) by the campfire.

The Skinny on Weight Loss

I have finally decided that I have gained enough weight. Something must be done! So, along with a few other people at work, we are determined to shed those unwanted pounds. My plan is as follows:

1) no eating after 9 pm
2) more fruits and veggies
3) less eating out
4) exercise

Today's Thoughts:
Last night I was very good (i think at least). I missed dinner but about 10:45 I was getting thirsty. Since Erik and I like to (occasionally) make an AM/PM run for nachos and Icee's we headed in that direction once again. I, however, only purchased Gatorade and happily realized that I did not crave anything. evil plan is working.....yeeesssssss

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Ambush Salesman

Yesterday as Erik & Val sat peacefully at the veternary office awaiting their turn (their cat's life weighing in the balance...would he live? would he die? no one knew for sure...) a young man waltzes in awkwardly carry a armful of boxes. They study him as he saunters in. Erik stares at him perplexed as he does not posess an animal. The gentleman's eyes light up as he secretly plans his attack. (for the sake of the story we'll call him Bruno)

Bruno: Do you have one?
Erik: Have one what?
Bruno: You don't have one?
Erik: I guess I don't have one

The young man pulls out flashlight thrusts it into Erik's hands.

Bruno: Let me show this awesome yellow flashlight. It has a lantern, you can plug it in the wall. $20 bucks man. You can have it. $20 bucks. In stores this would go for $49.95. I'm giving it to you for $20 bucks.

He hands Erik a second flashlight.

Bruno: Actually these are my last 2 flashlights. You can have them both for $20 bucks. I don't even care. I'm tired of caring them around. I don't even care.

Erik toVal: Do you want a flashlight?
Val: No
Erik to Bruno: We're good man, thanks.

Bruno: Ok, that's cool. Let me show you this, though, before I go.

Man pulls out a children's book.

excitedly Bruno says: These are Disney's 20th anniversary books. Normally they go for $40 a piece, but i'm going to give it to you for $20. Actually take 2 (as he piles it into Erik's lap). No, here I'll even through in a 3rd book. I'm suppose to sell these commenaritive boxes for $10 a piece but you know what? I don't even care man, just take em. You can have all 3 books and 2 boxes for $20. I don't even care. Just take the boxes. I don't even care.

It's keeps calling...CALLING...but no one ever answers...

QUESTION: What movie is that line from? (answer at end)

The absolutely love the beach. I wish I had the mula to live near the beach. We live only 1 hour from the closest beach, but do we ever go there? Noooooooo....

I tease Erik and tell him that he hates me because he never takes me, we'll stick with that (i think he enjoys it so perhaps someday it will work!)

This is a picture I took of him last summer (see the word "last" summer? which also coincides with the "last" time we where there, but who's keeping track?)

I'm posting this to "inspire" us to go this weekend. Only time will tell my friends...only time will tell...

Answer: Topper Returns

Did you answer correctly??? If so you win a trip to the movies!!!!!

(cannot be combined with any other special or coupon. can not be shared or given away. must only be used within state you currently reside. must purchase tickets prior to viewing movie)

Grow a Fro

Grow a Fro is a brand new product just recently released to the public. No matter if you are balding, bald, or already have a lustrious bob YOU NEED THIS PRODUCT! Remember this is NOT sold in stores (they always say that). If you call right now I'll through in a free hedge clipper (trust me, you'll need it) and a hedge clipper sharper (money back guarantee on sharpener only). IF you are not completely satisfied I will not refund you! But let me tell you what I will do--I'll put your picture on my "did not appreciate my help" web page (completely free). CALL NOW!!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Pet Peeves 6-11

11) dial-up, simply put.

10) when people leave their laundry in the washer/dryer FOREVER and you are waiting, waiting, and waiting around because you don't want to touch their clean clothes with your contaminated hands since you would wish for them to not touch your clean clothes either.... whew! (on a side note: it's annoying to not have my own personal washer/dryer)

9) when people leave cabinet/pantry doors open (don't ask...i think it's an "early childhood" thing that i just haven't discovered yet)

8) being bored AND alone at the same time

7) uncomfortable shoes. i must be a strange breed of a girl. i am already picky but uncomfortable shoes are just not going to cut it. if they are comfortable for at least 2 hrs i'll settle (and whine the duration of wearing them and whine again the next time i wear them) but at least they are not uncomfortable right off the bat. at least they "trick" me into believing they are comfortable. and that's all i have to say about that.

6) speaker phones--mostly those Nextel walkie-talkie phones (if you own one i'm not talking about you, i'm sure you're fine). not only must we listen to you converse (yell) to the person on the other side of the line but we must also listen to them reply (yell or yodel) back to you. how hard is it to put the phone to your ear? or get an ear piece? (calm down, i didn't say hair piece)

Christmas in August?

This is Turtle (1 out of 2 cats... i'm not the crazy cat lady yet...). Turtle had a big day out yesterday. He got his nails clipped (a little pampering never hurts... if done right). He got to be put in a box (such a fun experience for him). He got to ride in the car (in which he quickly found a warm spot under the brake pedal), & he got to see the V-E-T (shhhhh... we're still calling him "Santa" so he continues to enjoy the trip). He enjoyed it so much he sang to us the whole way. Apparently the little guy is not getting toys for christmas this August, but instead another trip to yet another "Santa". He is in this rebelious stage where he doesn't want to gain weight, but instead wants to be dehydrated and less playful. Now, we discover, he has a lump in his belly and we have to get tests and blood work and maybe an ultrasound and x-rays. I never realized these were options for pets. Santa does not play nice does he?

Monday, August 01, 2005

Trendy Girl - a story of her life (part 1)

I love people watching.

I also like to make up stories about them.

For instance, last Sunday night Erik and I were walking around fabulous downtown Redlands without an agenda. Suddenly we hear music...a band....a live band....we follow the sound to a little dive bar behind a row of "high-class" shops.

As we sat and listened we saw a girl sitting in the corner sort of behind the band (the band consisting of a drummer, 2 guitarists and a guy on a harmonica)…anyway she looked kinda trendy and really, really bored. So I decided that she belonged to the guitarist on the opposite of her and this was the 4th gig she’d been dragged to that weekend. On top of that they don’t even live around here…they live in Orange County (of all places) and she doesn’t know anyone out here but hates being left alone at home. So she tags along only to hear the same songs over and over again. She and her man are also having some problems, although they are newlyweds, and she feels that this “extra time together” will do them some good. But, it really just makes her more bitter and upset with herself for tagging along.

As she sits and waits in the shadow of her husband's (i'm about to turn 30 and refuse to act older than 21) band she contemplates: "What about when they have kids? Are they going to tote the family around like wild monkeys? How long until he 'gets this out of his system'? Maybe I could learn to knit..wait! that's for old ninnies and i'm not old yet!"

Ok, so let's jump out of her thoughts...she starts to suck you in doesn't she? Well, a good friend of mine would like to dig deeper into her life. Her recurring dreams and whether or not she is dead inside. I think these are truly important questions and must be answered. But, we must wait until my brain has rested a bit. I tire easily these days...(whoa-is-me)...

[to be continued]

Pet Peeves 1-5

(in random order of annoyance)

5) not knowing what time it is. i know! it's insane, but i just NEED to know! it's a disease i believe.
4) when people force you to listen to THEIR music! (e.g. a car sits outside your window at 2 am blasting his rap music for 2 hrs & thinks YOU should LIKE it!)
3) floaties in your drink (e.g. a bug or dirt). You can never get them out!
2) when people do not use an ending salutation before they hang up the phone (e.g. on tv they never say "goodbye"- they just hang up)
1) CD's that are NOT labeled. how are you suppose to know if it's blank or if it's music or photos?

to be continued...always to be continued...

You just can't win

I’ve decided that I hate Sundays again, but only when they are wasted away. Cuz then it’s the end of the evening and you realize you have nothing to prove that you were productive that whole weekend. So you go to bed with a messy house and no clean clothes only to know that you have to leave it all behind and go to work the next day. Only to come home tired and incapable of getting up to clean and at that point who cares? Might as well just leave it laying around.

I use to love Fridays…but then I started getting these insane migraines that have caused me to retreat to my bed chambers. No good. I’ve decided. And even though I get off work early (at 2) on Fridays and I can afford to nap it also wastes away the day. Then I miss Ellen and by the time I wake up it’s already after 5 and I therefore I FEEL like I just got home and all is back to pouting around the house again. And who knows if my migraine actually goes away! It’s totally draining really.

Saturday is good. I (usually) get to sleep in and then bum around without guilt, get all dressed up and go somewhere, anywhere, to do something, anything. Then I can (usually) stay up late without regret doing nothing, no where cuz I’ll get to sleep in on Sunday which will cause me to wake up late and then just perpetuate the wasting away part and you’re back to hating Sundays.

You just can’t win.