The Seahorse Bar

A little place where everybody knows your name...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Isabella the Bat

Good news and bad news (but i'll dwell on the good news):

I mentioned before that my cat, Turtle had been sick and had some lovely trips the vet. Well, 1.5 weeks ago I ended up putting Turtle to sleep. He was a very sick kitty and it was the only human option. I was very, very sad, but knew it was the best thing to do.

Then (here comes the good news - prepare) last week I heard through the grapevine that a little kitten needed a home. I will not go into the details but how could I say no? (thanks Carol!)
So, here is the newest ball of fur and joy that now graces our home with her adorable little face (and frequent cries). She is now 8 weeks old and sleeps with me every night. Noodle has taken on the role of big brother very responsibly. He was very accepting yet gave her the space she needed to learn about her new environment and to feel at home. They are not best of friends just yet (partly because Noodle wants to chase her like a mouse whenever she runs--fast like a mouse--into the other room and she is afraid of being eaten, I'd imagine). The first night she slept on my neck and now she tries to sleep as close to me as possible. I've only rolled over onto her a couple of times but she quickly lets me know, resettles and falls fast asleep.

This is her the first night we got her. I think she looks like a bat, but others have likened her to an alien. But not all the votes are in yet.

There's another pic of her versus the camera but i'm having technical difficulties uploading it..stay tooned (any toon will do).


At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like she could possibly be an alien/feline genetic experiment. She's probably sleeping on your neck to make sure you're breathing in the spores she's releasing and then recording your behaviour...or...not. But I'd watch my back if I were you.

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously though, the new kitty's really cute. I can just imagine rolley-polley Noodle chasing her all over the apartment

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last two comments were mine. I'm seriously dim witted when it comes to anything more advanced than my walkman and even it stumps me sometimes.


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