the 4-1-1
The start of school is looming before us. Once my boss came back from his field work we have been busy as a bee. I was so happy he came back! I'm such a weirdo! Who gets happy when their boss returns? I just get cabin fever when there is no one around to talk to during the day.
The weather has finally turned cooler. I'm really [not] looking forward to the hot, hot, death spells of heat to return (as we all know they will) before our "winter" weather is here to stay. What a crazy fall forcast we are dealt.
Other news of particular interest (if you don't run in more interesting crowds)-I think i might have tendenitis or something of that nature. My elbow is not happy and I find myself holding it up to my stomach so that it does not flail about and cause me pain. Me + pain = val not happy. It's an easy equation and one that I try to avoid.
I feel old - talking about being busy at work, the weather and then my aches and pains....aren't those the topics of old people? i guess climbing to year 30 has it's downside but i will not admit them. oh wait...i did just pour my heart out about these topics...ummm....nevermind then. i'm old. Let's face it!
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