The Seahorse Bar

A little place where everybody knows your name...

Monday, August 08, 2005

The Skinny on Weight Loss

I have finally decided that I have gained enough weight. Something must be done! So, along with a few other people at work, we are determined to shed those unwanted pounds. My plan is as follows:

1) no eating after 9 pm
2) more fruits and veggies
3) less eating out
4) exercise

Today's Thoughts:
Last night I was very good (i think at least). I missed dinner but about 10:45 I was getting thirsty. Since Erik and I like to (occasionally) make an AM/PM run for nachos and Icee's we headed in that direction once again. I, however, only purchased Gatorade and happily realized that I did not crave anything. evil plan is working.....yeeesssssss


At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for you girl!
power to the pee-ple!


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