The Seahorse Bar

A little place where everybody knows your name...

Monday, August 01, 2005

Trendy Girl - a story of her life (part 1)

I love people watching.

I also like to make up stories about them.

For instance, last Sunday night Erik and I were walking around fabulous downtown Redlands without an agenda. Suddenly we hear music...a band....a live band....we follow the sound to a little dive bar behind a row of "high-class" shops.

As we sat and listened we saw a girl sitting in the corner sort of behind the band (the band consisting of a drummer, 2 guitarists and a guy on a harmonica)…anyway she looked kinda trendy and really, really bored. So I decided that she belonged to the guitarist on the opposite of her and this was the 4th gig she’d been dragged to that weekend. On top of that they don’t even live around here…they live in Orange County (of all places) and she doesn’t know anyone out here but hates being left alone at home. So she tags along only to hear the same songs over and over again. She and her man are also having some problems, although they are newlyweds, and she feels that this “extra time together” will do them some good. But, it really just makes her more bitter and upset with herself for tagging along.

As she sits and waits in the shadow of her husband's (i'm about to turn 30 and refuse to act older than 21) band she contemplates: "What about when they have kids? Are they going to tote the family around like wild monkeys? How long until he 'gets this out of his system'? Maybe I could learn to knit..wait! that's for old ninnies and i'm not old yet!"

Ok, so let's jump out of her thoughts...she starts to suck you in doesn't she? Well, a good friend of mine would like to dig deeper into her life. Her recurring dreams and whether or not she is dead inside. I think these are truly important questions and must be answered. But, we must wait until my brain has rested a bit. I tire easily these days...(whoa-is-me)...

[to be continued]


At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or. mabey she was pregnant and hadn't told the gutarest taht she was having the drummers baby. she longs to tell her boyfriend that it was just one nite of crazy drunk loven, that was an "ACCIENT" and she feels horrible. not only is she possible tearing apart the band, but the one she loves mite not take it so well and leave her 2. can u understand the angwish she is going though.


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