The Seahorse Bar

A little place where everybody knows your name...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Grow a Fro

Grow a Fro is a brand new product just recently released to the public. No matter if you are balding, bald, or already have a lustrious bob YOU NEED THIS PRODUCT! Remember this is NOT sold in stores (they always say that). If you call right now I'll through in a free hedge clipper (trust me, you'll need it) and a hedge clipper sharper (money back guarantee on sharpener only). IF you are not completely satisfied I will not refund you! But let me tell you what I will do--I'll put your picture on my "did not appreciate my help" web page (completely free). CALL NOW!!!!


At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I cannot stop laughing! That picture is...yeah. There are no words.


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