The Seahorse Bar

A little place where everybody knows your name...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Pet Peeves 6-11

11) dial-up, simply put.

10) when people leave their laundry in the washer/dryer FOREVER and you are waiting, waiting, and waiting around because you don't want to touch their clean clothes with your contaminated hands since you would wish for them to not touch your clean clothes either.... whew! (on a side note: it's annoying to not have my own personal washer/dryer)

9) when people leave cabinet/pantry doors open (don't ask...i think it's an "early childhood" thing that i just haven't discovered yet)

8) being bored AND alone at the same time

7) uncomfortable shoes. i must be a strange breed of a girl. i am already picky but uncomfortable shoes are just not going to cut it. if they are comfortable for at least 2 hrs i'll settle (and whine the duration of wearing them and whine again the next time i wear them) but at least they are not uncomfortable right off the bat. at least they "trick" me into believing they are comfortable. and that's all i have to say about that.

6) speaker phones--mostly those Nextel walkie-talkie phones (if you own one i'm not talking about you, i'm sure you're fine). not only must we listen to you converse (yell) to the person on the other side of the line but we must also listen to them reply (yell or yodel) back to you. how hard is it to put the phone to your ear? or get an ear piece? (calm down, i didn't say hair piece)


At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, number 9 IS annoying!!!!

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Valerie said...

thank you for your validation! i knew someone would understand my anguish! it's only worse when people do it on purpose to get under your skin! boooo to them!


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