The Seahorse Bar

A little place where everybody knows your name...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Ambush Salesman

Yesterday as Erik & Val sat peacefully at the veternary office awaiting their turn (their cat's life weighing in the balance...would he live? would he die? no one knew for sure...) a young man waltzes in awkwardly carry a armful of boxes. They study him as he saunters in. Erik stares at him perplexed as he does not posess an animal. The gentleman's eyes light up as he secretly plans his attack. (for the sake of the story we'll call him Bruno)

Bruno: Do you have one?
Erik: Have one what?
Bruno: You don't have one?
Erik: I guess I don't have one

The young man pulls out flashlight thrusts it into Erik's hands.

Bruno: Let me show this awesome yellow flashlight. It has a lantern, you can plug it in the wall. $20 bucks man. You can have it. $20 bucks. In stores this would go for $49.95. I'm giving it to you for $20 bucks.

He hands Erik a second flashlight.

Bruno: Actually these are my last 2 flashlights. You can have them both for $20 bucks. I don't even care. I'm tired of caring them around. I don't even care.

Erik toVal: Do you want a flashlight?
Val: No
Erik to Bruno: We're good man, thanks.

Bruno: Ok, that's cool. Let me show you this, though, before I go.

Man pulls out a children's book.

excitedly Bruno says: These are Disney's 20th anniversary books. Normally they go for $40 a piece, but i'm going to give it to you for $20. Actually take 2 (as he piles it into Erik's lap). No, here I'll even through in a 3rd book. I'm suppose to sell these commenaritive boxes for $10 a piece but you know what? I don't even care man, just take em. You can have all 3 books and 2 boxes for $20. I don't even care. Just take the boxes. I don't even care.


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