The Seahorse Bar

A little place where everybody knows your name...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My Links: an explanation

If you ever noticed the links listed on the sidebar (move your eyes to the right about 3 inches) you might be wondering what they are all about. Well, let me explain (or 'splain as Ricky would say on I Love Lucy).

43 Things is a web site where you can post your "wish list" of things do accomplish in your lifetime. You can check out what other people wish to do and/or if they thought it was worth doing. It's quite entertaining especially when you run across some silly list and all they want to do is create secret underground lairs and well, you get the picture... my screenname is lilturtle (after my cat, Turtle). So browse if you have the time...
Bryant is a friend of mine who is doing is master's in biology within the dept that i work. I believe that he is an evil genius of sorts and has his own blog that is deeply entertaining.
Sudoku is a game you can play online. Bryant got me hooked! So, if you ever feel bored or want to put your brain cells to work check it out.


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