The Seahorse Bar

A little place where everybody knows your name...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

It ain't easy being cheesy

i just don't know what to do with myself (isn't that a song?...)
yeah....i got nothin....

Monday, September 19, 2005

what's new pussy cat...wh-o-o-a-o

Jean Scully (Erik's granmama) giving Isabella some love...

"I am cute and high maintenance and I demand attention!"

"Is that a rat or a bat? And, more importantly, can I chase it?"

This is Isabella attempting to climb my shoulder (probably running from Noodle).

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Let's thicken up this mascara issue

Anyone got any info on mascara? Anything at all? We should start a Macara Newsletter...who's with me? Think it will be a best-seller?

Isabella the Bat

Good news and bad news (but i'll dwell on the good news):

I mentioned before that my cat, Turtle had been sick and had some lovely trips the vet. Well, 1.5 weeks ago I ended up putting Turtle to sleep. He was a very sick kitty and it was the only human option. I was very, very sad, but knew it was the best thing to do.

Then (here comes the good news - prepare) last week I heard through the grapevine that a little kitten needed a home. I will not go into the details but how could I say no? (thanks Carol!)
So, here is the newest ball of fur and joy that now graces our home with her adorable little face (and frequent cries). She is now 8 weeks old and sleeps with me every night. Noodle has taken on the role of big brother very responsibly. He was very accepting yet gave her the space she needed to learn about her new environment and to feel at home. They are not best of friends just yet (partly because Noodle wants to chase her like a mouse whenever she runs--fast like a mouse--into the other room and she is afraid of being eaten, I'd imagine). The first night she slept on my neck and now she tries to sleep as close to me as possible. I've only rolled over onto her a couple of times but she quickly lets me know, resettles and falls fast asleep.

This is her the first night we got her. I think she looks like a bat, but others have likened her to an alien. But not all the votes are in yet.

There's another pic of her versus the camera but i'm having technical difficulties uploading it..stay tooned (any toon will do).

the 4-1-1

The start of school is looming before us. Once my boss came back from his field work we have been busy as a bee. I was so happy he came back! I'm such a weirdo! Who gets happy when their boss returns? I just get cabin fever when there is no one around to talk to during the day.

The weather has finally turned cooler. I'm really [not] looking forward to the hot, hot, death spells of heat to return (as we all know they will) before our "winter" weather is here to stay. What a crazy fall forcast we are dealt.

Other news of particular interest (if you don't run in more interesting crowds)-I think i might have tendenitis or something of that nature. My elbow is not happy and I find myself holding it up to my stomach so that it does not flail about and cause me pain. Me + pain = val not happy. It's an easy equation and one that I try to avoid.

I feel old - talking about being busy at work, the weather and then my aches and pains....aren't those the topics of old people? i guess climbing to year 30 has it's downside but i will not admit them. oh wait...i did just pour my heart out about these topics...ummm....nevermind then. i'm old. Let's face it!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

the little fly

The little fly sat on the wall…

I would like to begin with a little poem. (Ah-hem)

The little fly sat on the wall.
Him got no mommy comb his hair.
Him don’t care!
Him got no hair!

-the end

So, I would like to share with you a true story of a little fly. A fly that likes to join me in the bathroom. Why does he enjoy this atmosphere? We shall never know the real truth, but we can, and we will, elaborate on this…

Everyday (only 1 so far) I find this little fly, we’ll call him Fred, in the bathroom stall with me. Either he’s a s-l-o-w fly and can not find his way out of the stall OR he quite enjoys the company of women. If the latter is true we will officially call him Fred the Perv. But, we musn’t be hasty. Perhaps he’s just slow and missed the bus home. I suppose another theory would be that he’s homeless and a drunkard. Maybe his family kicked him out because they could not stand his drinking and spending of all their hard earned money. Maybe his guilt (assuming he, as a drunkard, has any guilt) is living in a bathroom stall because it’s the only way to purge himself of his sins.

Nonetheless, I have grown accustomed to seeing Fred upon my visits to that bathroom. He’s a strange comfort in my dismal life. Ok, It’s not that bad, but I think it was needed for effect.